I hadn't really given much thought about New Year's resolutions, other than the obvious one to lose weight. But, the day after Christmas was just beautiful out, and as I walked our little dog around the pond, I realized something, I need less noise in my life!
It was just Darla and I, and the occasional goose overhead. I felt peace inside.
No TV blaring or cell phone in my hand. I had no idea how badly I needed that. Even music can be a little overbearing at times.
So, I've been thinking about what is causing all this noise in my head, and it does boil down to electronics and social media.
And when did it get to the point of being an idol of my heart, instead of God seated on the throne? That is truly the problem.
Why am I checking my phone in the morning instead of pulling my Bible out?
I have some different ideas and steps in mind in order to combat this problem. I'll unpack those another time after I give them a little more thought.
Everybody's picking a word for the year. I think I'll go with peace.
As a Christian, it's so freeing to know that I can have peace amidst the chaos. Some chaos is not our plans, but His. Other chaos is just because of pure laziness. When my kids are fighting, and I'm too busy on Instagram to deal with it the proper way, I'm only adding to the chaos.
I want intentional chaos. Chaos because we're busy in the church or because we're busy having families over for dinner. I want chaos that makes the Father smile, because we're busy building His Kingdom.
I have other things that I want to work on this year and be better at. But, I truly felt God speak to me when I was out walking the dog that day. In some ways, it's a domino affect. This one area can transform my life in many other ways.
So, what's your word for 2014? Do tell!

I totally agree about finding peace in a noisy world. I don't really have a word for 2014, but I want to look forward without regret.
"Intentional chaos" -- such a great way to put it! Let's pursue that. :)